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Horizon Express Profile

Posted by Peter Campbell
Demo of the Horizon Express train profile. Special thanks to the SBRICK team for having this ready to use at Brickfair, Alabama!
Posted January 20, 2015 - Filed in Power Functions - #Train  #BrickFair  #Horizon Express 
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  • Peter Campbell
    Peter Campbell Hi Juerg,

    This should be in the profile market. Look for HorizonXpress.
    February 8, 2015
  • Magnus Olofsson
    Magnus Olofsson If you use a correct device It will show up on the market list.. iPhone =yes , Ipad =No..
    February 8, 2015
  • juerg siegenthaler
    juerg siegenthaler Hi. Iam use a iPad.... Thx for respond
    February 8, 2015
  • marc andre  debruyne
    marc andre debruyne hi there - i can't seem to find this in the profile market - i am using an iphone - but an iphone 6PLUS - would that make a difference? right now, i can only see about 6-7 different profiles - but i can't see the HE one.
    August 16, 2015